Issue 2, Poetry, Writing
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April 18, 2017
Equinox By Ashley Puddester Summer nights draw to a close and our glory...
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Down Your Drain By Connor Seavey Wash the demons down your drain Never...
Issue 2, Poetry, Uncategorized, Writing
7• 1565
Breathe By Josh Nieman Inhale. Gasping at the start. Relish in the...
6• 1496
Alone By Keegan Eller The moon shines, The sun blinds. The wind blows,...
Issue 1, Poetry, Writing
4• 1744
May 14, 2015
By Deenah Jacques She screams, her throat turns ripe and red her...
3• 1768
By Chelsea Sanchez Baby I want to smash bottles Against the wall Plates...
2• 1513
By Sharitza Pardo I see her standing in her bright pink leotard fake...
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May 13, 2015
By Jacqueline Krozy Snuggling your loving daughter on the carpet, staring up at...
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By Jackie Krozy They said, he said, she said, I mechanically wag my...
1• 1489
By Krissy Bradley Do you love me still? Could you fix the drafty door?...
May 1, 2024