Digital Imaging, Photography, Visual Arts, Issue 9
2• 331
May 1, 2024
By Andrew Hallon...
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Death, Poetry, Writing, Issue 8
1• 645
May 3, 2023
By k.r. taylor when time takes its toll, when i’m finally permitted to exhale...
Poetry, Writing, Issue 8
1• 478
By k.r. taylor eyes meet me often but hardly ever meet my own they seer into...
Art of Writing, Poetry, Issue 8
2• 454
By Olivia Steen Eenie, meenie, miney, moe In today’s society you’re either...
Art of Writing, literature, Memoir, Non-fiction, Philosophy, Writing, Issue 8
1• 501
By Deklan O’Connor A friend and I were talking about their job as a Pre-K...
Like• 476
By C.S. Scarrow My body is a long grass field I want distractions from the...
Death, Fiction, Writing, Issue 8
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By Anthony N.N.E. Carvahlo Arthur Brewer, our foreman, knew that we were all...
Issue 4, Poetry, Writing
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May 6, 2019
by Alizeh Khawaja the things you saymake me look awaymy eyes are left to...
Art of Writing, Issue 2, Poetry, Writing
3• 1552
April 25, 2017
Thick Thighs By Charlotte Koch My thighs rub together when I walk. They...
1• 1516
Madison Umbrello “hand” 1/4/17...