Issue 5, Issue 6, Poetry, Writing
2• 916
May 3, 2021
By Nora McClellan I am the rain that falls from the sky No drop of water is...
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Issue 5, Poetry, Writing
1• 1010
May 5, 2020
By Mark Desrosiers Precious Precious The Precious is ours We took it from...
Death, Fiction, Issue 5, literature, short story, Writing
1• 1001
May 4, 2020
By Gina Guerra I live in a society that depends on fire, and yet it terrifies...
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by Rae Miller As I hold the long rubber handle in my right hand And use my left...
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by Mark Desrosiers Four children playing hide an’ seek All fun to distract...
Issue 5, sketch, Trending, Visual Arts
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by Mathias Silva...
Death, Issue 5, Poetry, Writing
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By Hannah Deneve 6 months old. He brings life and energy to a home that so...
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By Hannah Deneve I’m surrounded by a sea of grey and white, Clothed with old...
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by Deklan O’Connor A = Mouse = Little tidy mouse Cleans his lovely little...
Issue 5, Life in the Time of the Virus, Poetry, Writing
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By Hannah Deneve I spend so many countless hours with you As you are my...
May 1, 2024