Editors Issue #9 (2024)

Conor Burrell is a writer and student at Middlesex Community College. His creative passion for writing sprouted recently after a last minute change of his major. Writing has changed his life for the better and he hopes to continue on this journey for the long haul.

Brianna Correy is a writer, and student currently living in Westford, Massachusetts. Her passion for writing began in early highschool, and has been growing ever since. She grew up in a large household with eight brothers and three sisters, often feeling unseen or unheard. Therefore, her goal in writing is to give others and sometimes herself a voice.HIS 2023 – NEEDS UPDATING is a student at Middlesex Community College in Lowell and Bedford where he has been on the path of finding his dreams, which led him to the Creative Writing Concentration and his goal of creating stories. In his stories, he creates superheroes who live in worlds where they fight against evil. He hopes to inspire readers to discover their own morality and good will. He has lived in Lowell all of his life but soon wants to explore other sites where great writers came to be.

El Engerman is a poet and emerging playwright. They are currently a Creative Writing student at Middlesex Community College, with lofty ambitions of continuing their education and becoming a research librarian. El strives to reject form and embrace the fundamental awkwardness of the human experience.

Lizzy Haynes is a Creative Writing major at Middlesex Community College. She lives on her own in a student housing apartment complex, but she visits her family regularly. Lizzy’s goal with her writing is to articulate issues that many choose to turn a blind eye to.

Tom Laughlin is a professor and Coordinator of the Creative Writing Program at MCC.  He was a founding editor of Vortext, a literary journal of Massasoit Community College, a volunteer staff reader for many years for Ploughshares, and he has taught literature classes in two Massachusetts prisons. His poetry has appeared in Green Mountains ReviewIbbetson StreetDrunk MonkeysSand Hills Literary Magazine, Pensive, Blue Mountain Review, and elsewhere. His poetry chapbook, The Rest of the Way, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2022.  His website is www.TomLaughlinPoet.com

Annah Phen grew up in Lowell, Massachusetts. Ever since she was a child her passion was for the arts. It expanded into poetry, visual art, and songwriting. Often her writing is based on personal experiences to soothe her anxieties.  Annah’s eagerness for poetry and songwriting led her to major in Creative Writing. She loves to read and sing to her own rhythm to find her voice in the world. Her goals in life are to be seen and heard for who she is and what she creates.

Jack Richardson was put up for adoption and was acquired by a television studio. For years Jack thought that was his real life, but it turned out to be a television show that was live 24/7. After years of living like that he finally found out the truth and made his escape. Almost dying in the process, he is now trying to get back the time that was lost from being trapped and used for a TV show.

Katelynn Sullivan is a twenty-year-old, Type One Diabetic writer and artist currently studying at Middlesex Community College. She is an old soul who is just now learning how to get her work out there on the interwebs.

Matthew Tighe is an eighteen-year-old English major with a concentration in creative writing from Lowell MA. Matthew mostly writes poetry focusing on heartbreak and misery, but he also writes fantasy as his main genre in fiction. He is currently in his final semester at Middlesex Community College and is transferring to UMass Amherst in Fall 2024.   

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