Poetry, Writing, Issue 9
2• 410
May 1, 2024
By Marc At the turn of dawn, my form and feeling still quiet and yearning, I...
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Poetry, Issue 9
1• 341
By Matthew Tighe The most painful taste of reality is truthTruth in knowing it...
1• 389
Raë Silva January 13, 1932 - November 2, 1998dear grandmother, my nonni did...
Art of Writing, Poetry, Issue 9
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By Olivia Steen We are nighttime friends May not know each other's favorite...
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By Layla Walton you asked me if I believed insoulmates and I told you thatI...
1• 342
By Matthew Tighe You were a painful fireI was consumed by your flameBut maybe...
Art of Writing, Poetry, Writing, Issue 7
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May 2, 2022
By Nora McClellan The language of flowers I’ve loved and lost and loved again...
Poetry, Trending, Issue 7
1• 666
By Dominic Paoletti The mask suppresses the monster. I pass through each day a...
literature, Poetry, Writing, Issue 7
2• 640
By Razan Shahin In allusion, she lived inside boxes, filled with dim light....
1• 605
By Mackenzie Taylor you have a great knack for giving me an opportunity to...