Dyad By Sam Sweikata You are the sunrise. The daylight that breaks Over the horizon, Dancing into tomorrow. You are the moon. Lighting the path Of the less traveled, A force of mystery. You are the push of the Sand against the ocean. The sails of a ship Racing to the coast. …

Symptoms By Danielle Bennett She is alone and stirring I lock myself away Just like her I know better than to let it boil But I’m always getting burned Trying to suffocate dangerous flames She is trying to make phone calls without a phone Asks me to help her dial the number I say …

the keepers and the kept
the keepers and the kept By Danielle Bennett The keepers and the kept all dwell underneath the same concrete structure America, decides profits are more worthy than humans So they allow for political bribery Profit from keeping the people down And cuffed then shoved behind steel bars America, strategic in it’s money making Set …

Hiding Places
Hiding Places By Danielle Bennett Around 10, I check my body cavity for potential hiding places. I see the space other girls take up, I wonder how they became so good at folding into themselves to minimize surface area. I learn sucking in the stomach is a useful tactic. Around 20, I have …

The Flood
The Flood By Danielle Bennett I spend a great deal of time Preparing for what’s to come What words will work What to say without actually Saying it when it comes time to be said Saying anything That will get me further away from the truth The only thing I say, Is …

Rain Poem: For Lowell, MA
RAIN POEM For Lowell, MA By A. T. Halaby Rain I have spoken of you many times And suppose I may be distracted by How I feel completely still and stopped And without breath to beg to cough Interrupt your motions Your many multiplying sounds If I am to bare my chest You …

non-sonnet one
non-sonnet one By A. T. Halaby I say, my certain love, I may have Mistook you for destiny By force of my heart, the disaster of Storms weathering away my sight! Anxious belly thinking about kissing Pulsing in all of the moments in-between. The handsome redness of your hair Excitement in your voice And …

Advantages of Being a Woman Artist and Not Publishing
Advantages of Being a Woman Artist and Not Publishing Inspired by Guerrilla Girls’ “conscience of the art world” By A. T. Halaby “working without the pressure of success” not having to sit for your artist photo being left out of history books living without the fear of someone going through your stuff when you …

Jericho By Sam Sweikata You have shown me a world that exists Within our own existence. To the naked eye, nothing looks out of place. If I look hard enough sometimes I can see The pieces of the stars that have fallen. You took the hand of a blind being And led them …

Vieil homme hiver
Vieil homme hiver By Sam Sweikata You called for me to come outside Where it was cold on my skin, But I knew that you would make it Worth my while if I did. I agreed and took towards the Brisk starlit sky. Down a mountain Across the sea, I met you under …

Caution By Danielle Bennett She is all bite Waiting for the perfect moment to lock Her jaw down on your hasty words She will swallow them But only enough To keep them lodged in her esophagus She will spit them out on command And look at your feet Ask why you’re not cleaning up …

Chakras By Sam Sweikata Sit Up and Be still. Let the sun Be the crown that sits Atop your head. Use Your eyes to look Inside yourself. Open your Mouth And speak a Higher truth. Speak Of love and healing With a power from within. Look to the past for the strength Of a Thousand …

Astroanatomy By Sam Sweikata She sits, staring into tomorrow as the sun Dips into the horizon. Salt water dances on her toes And she knows that no matter how long she Stares that nobody cares enough to ask About how fast she comes or goes. With the wind, it arrives like a kiss …

Libraquarius: A Poetic Story By Scarlet Phoenix Rise It was raining outside So I ran out in my shorts, The warm Air Keeping me afloat. I ran past the bark Mulch And the rivers of mud, Trotting along Unafraid of The lack of sun Through the alleys I went, Past the old meadow brook, …

Hereditary By Scarlet Phoenix Rise I watched my father crumble as he hit a bottle of gin, And in the morning he woke with a heart too soft and a frown on his chin. He said that he couldn’t take it; that pain that was driving him mad, And so then, I couldn’t take …

I, the Explosion
I, the Explosion By Emily Grochowski I, the explosion disintegrate to particles, Fractured glass en masse by newspaper articles, Forgotten prints, déjà vu of Kristallnacht reenacted This is creation; do not despair I am abstracted. Omit the guillotine for my executioner; this was an act of Lucifer, The cataclysmic vein instilled by propaganda …

Birkenau Structured
Birkenau Structured By Emily Grochowski Lachrymose is death Bereft of Zyklon B, Famined anomaly Of bygone withered breaths. Recede ebbing pause, Pro-death since its collapse, A Birkenau relapse Of infested gauze. Electric screams of fence, Hail executioner! Departed revolutioner Of being’s pretense. Mangled infant howling, Blinding vapors strange, Eternally deranged This helpless foundling. Upon …

Fragments (Fingers Poem)
Fragments (Fingers Poem) By Emily Grochowski Fragmented are fingers But fragmented I linger, As memories disintegrate to dust and all hath withered away, Ought this mind have been purgatoried since my doom of bubonic plague Yet I am immune; envision phantom fingers through a hand quite maimed: Mimicking A deconstructed pentagram, each line …

Frostbite By Keegan Eller As the dark moon Comes all too soon. Shielding the sun Winter has begun. Her mind is ice, Frozen in time. Yet it does slice Due to mistime. The wind it blows As if it knows All her secrets. Nights are sleepless. The words spring from lips …

Barriers By Keegan Eller There’s a wall in front of me Blocking all that I can see Cruelty, as I only observe Maybe it’s what I deserve. I fear that I’ve become blind For I cannot seem to find That which I desperately seek As it all seems so very bleak. Hard …

Carcarus By Samantha Lynch Victoria Ave was like a siren song in the afternoon light. She pulled down the street and could not be more thankful. After forty five minutes of traffic Josie was fed up. It had been bumper to bumper from Prexiam Knowledge Publishing to Bartimus Elementary School. On any other day, …

Last Time
Last Time By Edwin Chamba Oh I’m so lonely Since my soulmate Abandoned me So much for holy matrimony All I got is this bottle Sweetest sip of formaldehyde All I can remember is Our first time
Mechanical Bliss
Mechanical Bliss By Kenneth Brown Graphite May 2011

Pyramid Head Costume
Pyramid Head Costume By Avery Ferrante E.V.A Foam, Spray Paint, Cloth Life size
Ocean View
Ocean View By Kenneth Brown Graphite May 2013
Palm Trees
Palm Trees By Britni Crotty Water Color/ Acrylic 2018

What If?
What If? By Keegan Eller What if changes nothing What if doesn’t make things better It could be argued that it makes them worse But what if it didn’t? What if gets us nowhere What if takes us elsewhere Somewhere we’re not supposed to go But what if it didn’t? What if …

Return to Nature
Return to Nature By Jacob Senghas A million pleasantries, like fog, spill forth. I understand, but still my sight, obscured. So, blurry lines divide the price from worth; My inability to think, ensured. “I’m standing where modernity recedes, The traffic fading out to distant waves, The beauty of this woodland grove impedes My …

Self-Portrait in Progress
Self-Portrait in Progress By Jacob Senghas Exhaustion was an old friend; Thousands of mutual moments over a midnight kiln Made them as lovers, their embrace personal, Serene. Hardship held close, welcomed Into her bones, not a humbled harbinger, A triumphant town crier, telling Of the harvest festival; The dirt-scratchers return, Laden with sustenance. …

Melissa By Erik Phillip Lindsay At first, gaze transfixed by enchanting island beauty of perfections exotic mix, The pursuit of intoxicating allure immediately undertaken sans bag of usual tricks. The touch of dark silken skin upon mine a divine memory never to be lost, Insatiable desire to hold you breathlessly beneath me never seeming …

Women By Erik Phillip Lindsay Life’s one true obsession, your infinite mysteries forever continuing to explore, Sins of the flesh shared all cherished while causing endless lusting for more. Lessons learned from the foremost teacher of love causing enlightening of the soul, Loss of each one causing heartbreak while hoping for another to soon …

doing stuff
doing stuff By Tasty Steve This is the least comfortable chair I’ve sat in. Yesterday it was fine. But now I’m doing this. So it’s not comfortable anymore. Nothing is comfortable right now. I want to stop. But I’ve started. This is the hardest part, right? Starting? That’s what I’ve told myself. I think …

To My New Students, a Plea
To My New Students, a Plea By Tim Bleecker When I picture myself I’m at my best, hair cut a fortnight ago, skin flaws hidden by one day’s stubble and lit by a warm, diffused glow . . . never in fluorescent light looking sallow. I’d appreciate you doing the same for me. In …

Untitled By Michael Kaminski I knew a mortician’s daughter, powder-white Raven Graves. With skin hail cold, plots she sold… Yikes, my custard-rich soul she craved!
A Warrior’s Calling
A Warrior’s Calling By Zenathia Zanos Pen and Ink Completed February 27, 2018

Aewyna By Erica Coakley The wind is the wind, The earth is the earth, A bird is a bird, The ocean is the ocean. The lake was to be nothing but a lake. She was expected to be bright, And so she tried. As darkened clouds slunk through the sky, She clung to …

Climate Change and Overpopulation
Climate Change and Overpopulation By Fyodor Berkovich Since the dawn of abstract thinking, humanity has pondered how it will meet its end. From the Quran, to the Bible, to countless other sources throughout history, prophecies where all of humanity dies are plentiful. Ironically, it would appear that the day of the fulfillment of the …

Unfair By Edwin Chamba Un·fair /an’fer/ adj. 1. A person being born into a poor or abusive family / A person having toxic friends or role models 2. Knowing that we are most likely made to suffer / If we want to succeed / We must fight and struggle to attain get success / Seeing …

Karpe Diem
Karpe Diem By Edwin Chamba I, yes the author, want you, yes the reader, to tear this poem apart. Why are you still reading? Go on! Karate chop it in half Really give it the business Attack like it owes you money Squish like stress ball Head-butt it like a lunatic Twist it Tear …

My Only Friend
My Only Friend By Edwin Chamba All my life I’ve been scared I been scared of losing you I would wake up early every morning To check if you were there too I would miss you in the dark I would love you during the day You are always by my side We jump …

A Failed Attempt In Writing a Procrastination Poem
A Failed Attempt In Writing a Procrastination Poem By Edwin Chamba

First Time
First Time By Edwin Chamba Sweetest of smiles Hot lips made of hymns Tingles on her tongue Sweetest sip of sin Please more Please

Empty Space
Empty Space By Maddie Fox Scribbling my words into thin air. Make motions with stale fingers, prick the I’s, cut the T’s— Have to document my thoughts somehow. Reading my words to the dust I left behind me. Sharing thoughts with dead leaves in an empty wood And for some reason, I expect …

Stop Killing Us: A Study of Lesbian Representation in the Media
Stop Killing Us: A Study of Lesbian Representation in the Media By Olivia Agostini The lesbian community has become more visible than ever, yet visibility does not mean acceptance. Queer women still struggle for rights in the workplace, in their own homes, and even out on the streets. Women, as portrayed by the media, …

My Sunday Afternoon
My Sunday Afternoon By Delaney Conserva Flex back and forth And flip the pages Caress them like silk, and It leaves a papercut. Feel the weight of the binding, and Anticipate the weight of its insides. I once read that we are all stories, we are All an open book. So I shall tear …

The Best Weapon Is a Woman
The Best Weapon Is a Woman By Brandon Thompson In the poem “Ozymandias,” by Percy Shelley, ordering the murder of an innocent child in order to hold onto his legacy is exactly the type of thing Ozymandias would do. Cersei Lannister, the main character in the popular series Game of Thrones, does this, as …

Sure Title
Sure Title By Edwin Chamba Characters John Smith: a high school teacher who works a second job in the summer as a manager. Tim Ives: a high school student who likes math and reading. Applicant 9: one of the ten applicants who are being interviewed today. Citizen 227377: License Number: S28452164, Status: Dependent Worker …

The Boy, Black and White Photography Series
The Boy, Black and White Photography Series By Victoria Wiciel February 22, 2018

The Boy, Black and White Photography Series
The Boy, Black and White Photography Series By Victoria Wiciel February 22, 2018

The Boy, Black and White Photography Series
The Boy, Black and White Photography Series By Victoria Wiciel February 22, 2018

I am a Shadow
I am a Shadow By L.Deepwater I am a shadow I watch I learn I mimic I am a shadow I chase I follow I dance in the sun’s glowing rays I am a shadow A silent, better you

Broken Lovers
Broken Lovers By Maddie Fox & I’ll cry for you on the kitchen floor, but I won’t ask you to come back. Broken bones of the past piece together the only skeleton left in your closet- And I’ll always remember his name. Recognize secrets in his eyes. A familiar face in every broken boy …

The Serpent’s Kiss
The Serpent’s Kiss By Angelina Pino Taylor jumped back when it was only Caleb to open the door for her. Her fist nearly clonked into his head. Lea had said she might end her shift early tonight and go home right after. Sorry to cut the sleepover short, she had said, but Taylor understood. …

The Boy, Black and White Photography Series
The Boy, Black and White Photography Series By Victoria Wiciel February 22, 2018

The Boy, Black and White Photography Series
The Boy, Black and White Photography Series By Victoria Wiciel February 22, 2018

Proud Liability
Proud Liability By L.Deepwater Every time I have a panic attack I ask the question: Do I talk to someone? Do I dare ask for help and in the process open myself up for harm? Do I dare bother them with the wasteful banter that I use to hide my insecurities? So I stay …

Transcend By Samantha Lynch The ripples of the plains grass danced in breezes of sunlight, Rich ambrosial earth under their feet. Darkness in the form of clouds rolled throughout The heavens above hungry and relentless Waves of salt and vast ferocity crashed over the plain edge. The northern storm brewing by the hands of …

There Was Once a Man Who Was Also a Bear
There Was Once a Man Who Was Also a Bear By Kate McCadden The frozen wind cut through the trees, carrying with it the echoed howls of wolves in the distant darkness, the night that the boy was born. Usually, the boy was just a normal boy. He would laugh and play in the …

Affirmations By Mark Andrews Characters Penny: Loud, Excited, Emotional & Lively Songbird, Awkward. Kenny: Aged, Hardened Carpenter, Knowing. Setting: The first constructed scene is of a school performing arts classroom. Simple, and open. Act I, Scene 1 (Carpenter on stage frames a small wall. He drives the last nail and prepares to stand it …

Why? By Eli Miller When future generations ask us, “How did you stop the bloodshed?” I will not be the one to say, “You have to.” No child should have to fear Others. After so Much death, we must ask Ourselves, when will it end? Are we Ready to make a difference? It’s …

Head to Bed
Head to Bed By Alexandria Drouin I don’t work All my friends are gone I won’t let these be my tapping shoes I lay my clothes flat on the line This isn’t where I was born I listen to the owl’s hoot The trees dressings have fallen ill I call out for my …

The Red Estate
The Red Estate By Alexandria Drouin Feeling good starts with not answering the door that cracks and creeks Its light is bright almost gone If all the laundry is soiled It must be right where we left it Rise delusion rise, Rise illusion rise, Rise from our knees to my feet and keep …

Nose Bleed
Nose Bleed By Alexandria Drouin Deep breaths of near rasps provided fables Of gas, dust, and those lion plants I danced around in a restless trance; Water wheels and jazz bands In the mirrors reflection dozed with those long candles and pianos I held on to my empty ghost high up on my …

The Sunflowers
The Sunflowers By Samantha Lynch Position yourself on the oak, wooden floor. Feel your toes wiggle within your soft, white socks. Here, sits a small life with you, ready to explore Delicate notes fill the air from the music box See the orange sunset streaming in Come, let us begin. To start, remove …

The Room is Too Loud
The Room is Too Loud By Samantha Lynch It smells like old ladies in here, Lilac, lavender, moth balls Old perfume that would only be worn on special occasions That has not been actively worn since 1968. Sorry Please Excuse me Stop Good morning Talking Thank you Please 1 2 3 4 …

Snow Peaked
Snow Peaked By Samantha Lynch Grey smoke from his lips dances over the profile of his face The same way cold blue clouds roll across the curves of mountains. The slope of his face raises and falls under those clouds. Empty and lonesome, is life even up there? Branches claw at the sky, …

Super Nintendo
Super Nintendo By Zack Smith The rough patches of my fingers pick up the remote, resting smooth edges on heavily fictional surfaces, lining up with old wounds and new sores. Wires dangle over toes, pulling in three directions as the lights amble through the color palate, leading eyes to scenery. Caps and …

Toilet Troubles
Toilet Troubles By Keegan Eller It was a Thursday The walls were grey Why must I wait For so long – hey The door opened And she walked out Her eyes frightened I saw her pout Our eyes met Briefly but yet Was a moment shared For anyone who cares She …

Emotionless Emotions
Emotionless Emotions By Keegan Eller Lonely, not alone. Smile, no cheer. Homeless, at home. Sad, no tears. Trapped yet free. Rich but poor. Has everything, Wants more. Hurt but strong. Alcohol, not drunk. High, no bong. Drowning, not sunk. Hooked on, no drugs. Smart, but stupid. Suffocating, on hugs. Love, no …

Life’s Contradictions
Life’s Contradictions By Keegan Eller I took the guitar without even knowing how to play. I carried an umbrella though it was bright as day. I climbed Mount. Everest when I was afraid of heights. I work the late shift though I am weary of the nights. I learned to surf without even …

The Heart of a Teacher
The Heart of a Teacher By Carla Duran The child arrives like a mystery box … with puzzle pieces inside Some of the pieces are broken or sometimes missing And others just seem to hide But the Heart of a teacher can sort them out … and help the child to see The …

Untitled By Charlotte Koch Fragments are taken from me One at a time They slip away, like lost lovers Lost moments of clarity Fading light of a dying sun And I cry small rivers Hoping to collect them And make them an ocean So all my fragments may drift On their tributaries, Lost little …

Into the Future
Into The Future By Samantha Pirog “You volunteered to do what?” Mom’s shrill voice filled the kitchen, piercing my ears. Wincing, I took a deep breath. My eyes quickly scanned the faces surrounding me at the table to see how the rest were taking the news. On my right, Dad’s eyes bulged. His mouth …

Stitches By Samantha Pirog Will my eldest brother die? Poison drips steadily into my heart. “Do you want us to call you if he dies?” My other brother, Luke, aims his acid. Striking me down and snapping my sanity. Will praying be enough to keep him alive? Red angry …

The Last Call of the Crow
The Last Call of the Crow By Thomas Catyb I soar through clouds in darkness of the night, The sun blocked out by wings of angels true, I seek the day where I can be in light, Where black skies turn to a brilliant blue. For now my world has been in disarray, Falling …