Issue 6, literature
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May 2, 2021
By Zach Rahed A child walking in the sunlit park with mom and dad spots a dog...
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Death, Fiction, Issue 5, literature, short story, Writing
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May 4, 2020
By Gina Guerra I live in a society that depends on fire, and yet it terrifies...
Fiction, Issue 5, literature, short story, Trending, Writing
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by Gina Guerra I am the ideal woman. “What a delight to...
Art of Writing, Fiction, Issue 5, short story, Writing
2• 1004
By M J Bujold Glenn shifted the weight of a Nattie Light 12 pack...
Death, Fiction, Issue 5, literature, short story, Trending, Writing
1• 1065
by Erika “Joy” Jepsen My head spun as I pulled the heavy curtains...
Life in the Time of the Virus, literature, short story
5• 1175
By J.M. Grenier “Hey, Jessie! Come have a brew!” Rodney held up a...
May 1, 2024