Issue 1, Poetry, Writing
2• 1670
May 12, 2015
By Carolyn Mayer In the wax and wane of our conversations we would...
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1• 1603
By Carolyn Mayer the finger of black dust– forgives the...
1• 1488
By Mary-Kate Haley I can feed you lines so beautiful, much like your...
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By Mary-Kate Haley The frigid morning wind blew leaves past at 7 a.m....
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By Jaime Twombly Grown from a sapling into an Awkward young thing...
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By Jaime Lyn Twombly It is Sunday and there is nothing but the newspaper...
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By Jaime Lyn Twombly She was gripping the railing as if she would fall...
1• 1499
May 5, 2015
By Chelsea Sanchez I die several times a month My heart pounds,...
3• 1706
April 19, 2015
By Joseph Nardoni The coffin slid back into the red placental blaze, the...
May 1, 2024