Birkenau Structured
By Emily Grochowski
Lachrymose is death
Bereft of Zyklon B,
Famined anomaly
Of bygone withered breaths.
Recede ebbing pause,
Pro-death since its collapse,
A Birkenau relapse
Of infested gauze.
Electric screams of fence,
Hail executioner!
Departed revolutioner
Of being’s pretense.
Mangled infant howling,
Blinding vapors strange,
Eternally deranged
This helpless foundling.
Upon abyss of char
Forsake salvation,
Netherworld elation
Infinitely marred.
Eerie is this walk unlashed,
Crushed eglantine buds
That echoes bursts of blood
On ground decayed with ash.
Sulfuric aliens await
Eternal return.
Intact a soul discerned
In life’s illusion innate.
I contract myopia,
Endless cadavers alone,
Fatalities unknown,
Lull me, mind’s dystopia.
Final equinox, ellipse
Showers activated,
Now alas asphyxiated
Am I in black eclipse