literature, Poetry, Writing, Issue 7
1• 431
May 2, 2022
By Robert Ringuette this is how they try to cope do not begin to sigh see the...
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Featured, literature, Poetry, Writing, Issue 7
2• 500
By Robert Castagna In Memory of Lorrie this bird bath lies frozen in the...
2• 416
By Robert Castagna History and nature overlay like ancient Rome buried beneath...
literature, Poetry, Trending, Writing, Issue 7
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By Aamer Farttoosi The most beautiful thing is to disturb the range, And others...
1• 436
By Razan Shahin In allusion, she lived inside boxes, filled with dim light....
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by Razan Shahin In your presence, I learned how to love In your absence, how to...
1• 354
by Razan Shahin (An imitation poem) I wish I wrote the way I thought...
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by Razan Shahin (An abecedarius for a past lover) A piece of you will always...
5• 506
By Elizabeth Lux Content warning: transphobia and child abuse. When I was born,...
4• 476
By Robert Castagna In a place I walk now and once walked years since, memories...
May 1, 2024