by Zachary Rahed
Vulnerable branches snap beneath time-worn sneakers A lone wanderer sighs Beside him, run tributaries sparkling like Swarovski crystals Wriggling, snake-hissing streams In the trees, a chickadee chirps a flashy Morse code Pleading to a sad, exsanguinated sun Green mountains salute the vagabond Our banished wanderer Into territories not slightly unfamiliar As when he, a precocious child Was blessed by philanthropic evergreens Or otherwise cursed by a forest of decadent, flute-piping dreams While climbing up Bunyanesque granite steps Up Humbaba, That famed gigantic guardian of the cedar forest, He falters Tripping on his calloused hands and knees Bloated with wretched pain Sweating near Sisyphean tombs In an unfeeling wilderness, where vagabonds Belong to nowhere