Vieil homme hiver

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Vieil homme hiver

By Sam Sweikata


You called for me to come outside

Where it was cold on my skin,

But I knew that you would make it

Worth my while if I did.


I agreed and took towards the

Brisk starlit sky. Down a mountain

Across the sea, I met you under

The brightness of the universe.


You are the frost that coats the

Morning roses with a sweet kiss.

Where you wrapped me in snow and

Silk, seemingly frozen in time.


I melted you into a scarlet ember

That kept me steady in the flurry of the

Cosmos of continuance as existence

Dims to a dull roar between us.


We collided with one another for an eternal moment

Then extracted ourselves from each other.

My mortal soul was left to wait

Until another winter’s night.


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