Fiction, Science Fiction, Writing, Issue 9
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May 1, 2024
By Teddy Anganes Dust kicked up from the ground as large boots trudged down a...
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Art of Writing, Memoir, Non-fiction, Issue 9
4• 792
By Stacie Hargis It was exactly seventeen weeks from the day it happened. ...
Poetry, Issue 9
2• 502
By K. R. Taylor that girl was horrible and nasty and god awfully ugly she let...
Poetry, Writing, Issue 9
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By Layla Walton you asked me if I believed insoulmates and I told you thatI...
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By Jared Waugh Years ago,It seemed easy toIgnore your off-hand commentsAnd...
Death, Memoir, Non-fiction, Writing, Issue 9
1• 454
By Paul Melkonian My sister Ruthanne died on New Year’s Day, 2012. She fought...
Poetry, Writing, Issue 8
9• 807
May 3, 2023
By Olivia Steen Her fingers have started to twist Pretty, fragile hands...
Non-fiction, Staff Picks, Writing, Issue 8
3• 1095
By Katie Durant Sometimes my mother crashed. She seemed to have left the house,...
Non-fiction, Writing, Issue 8
1• 863
By Donna Tarrant On Columbus Day, Oct. 14, 2019, I was working at my job at an...
2• 585
By Anthony N.N.E. Carvalho Sinking down, I fall into the Abyss— Quiet and...