Poetry, Issue 9
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May 1, 2024
By Lizzy Haynes Hey, did you hear what that girl over there has been saying?She...
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By Chris Saar The newborn babe has gained its sightThe soldier draws his...
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By Lizzy Haynes People say you didn’t know what you were doing.That you knew...
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By David M. Kane My brain! Such pain!Which drives me insane!Unleashing my...
Art of Writing, Poetry, Issue 9
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By Matthew Tighe You were a painful fireI was consumed by your flameBut maybe...
Poetry, Writing, Issue 9
4• 361
By Katelynn Sullivan Prick Stab Inject Repeat living hell becomes a steady beat...
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By El Engerman The sun rises over piles of dirty clothesHorrid things hide...
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By Annah Phen “My song is on!Save my seat!”Feel the pattern.Hold the...
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By Lizzy Haynes So many things reminded me of youThe bed where it all happened...
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By Brianna Correy Does the slow pace in my step, as I glance awkwardly around...