
Submission Guidelines for the DEAD RIVER REVIEW

[email protected]

  • Submissions to the DEAD RIVER REVIEW are limited to Middlesex Community College students, faculty, staff, and alumni or previous students. Although we accept submissions year round our reading period is between February 1st and April 14th. Each issue, or “gallery,” will be published on or about May 6th, the death date of Henry David Thoreau.
  • Submissions will be judged fairly and democratically by the DRR editorial committee. Contributors will be contacted within two weeks of the end of the reading period to confirm publication. All others will be encouraged to submit again next year.
  • We accept Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Essays, Translations (please include original), Short Films, Digital Images, Reviews, Art, as well as Experimental/Hybrid Forms. Everything submitted must be original.
  • Email all submissions to [email protected]
  • Poets, please submit a maximum of 10 pages, no more than one poem per page. All other genres, please submit a maximum of 15 pages. Translators, please submit both the translation and the original text in a single document no longer than 20 pages; also, please note whether you hold the English rights. Submissions must be in a standard typeface (e.g. Times, Palatino, Garamond, Courier), minimum 12-point type, and double-spaced. You may submit your manuscript in doc, docx, rtf, or pdf format.
  • Artists, attach digital images as a jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, tiff, bmp, or tga format, up to 5MB each. Video files must be in m4v, mov, mp4, wmv, flv, asf, mpeg, mpg, or mkv format, up to 250MB each. Audio files must be mp3 or flac, up to 30MB each. Sketchfab models are supported. You may also link to media from YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud.

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